Monuments & Markers
Granite memorials are available in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors. The choices can seem overwhelming, but please keep in mind that we are here to guide you and can answer any questions you may have. We have included several examples of our work throughout the site, in hopes that they will provide you with the comfort needed to take the next step. |
Granite monuments are available in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors. The choices can seem overwhelming, but please keep in mind that we are here to guide you and can answer any questions you may have. We have included several examples of our work throughout the site, in hopes that they will provide you with the comfort needed to take the next step. (Click photos for enlargements)
Mountain Rose
India Black
Barre Gray
Bahama Blue
Imported Monuments
Also available are imported granite monuments. These monuments come in a variety of shapes and colors. Because they are manufactured overseas, the all polished shapes that they are able to produce are reasonably priced. (Click photos for enlargements)
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Slant monuments
Slant style monuments are different from the traditional upright monument because they can be set with or without a base. The slant style monument has a rock nosing along the lower part of the front of the monument that will take the abuse of lawnmowers or grass trimmers. (Click photos for enlargements)
Barre Gray
Mountain Rose
Dakota Mahogany
Barre Gray
Granite Benches
Granite Benches are another popular choice for honoring a loved one for eternity while offering a nice gesture to those who are visiting. Granite benches also add great beauty to parks or business and residential landscapes and are often used to commemorate community contributions. (Click photos for enlargements)
India Black
Canadian Pink
India Black
Cremation bench
Cremation bench
Cremation bench
Cremation bench
Cremation bench
Bevel Markers & Grass Markers
Grass markers are set so that the top is level with the ground. Bevel markers are set so that the back of the marker is about 6” out of the ground, and the front about 4”. I recommend that bevel markers be set with concrete foundations. It is an extra cost, but the foundation will prevent the marker from settling and or leaning. (Click photos for enlargements)
Barre Gray
Light Barre Gray
Barre Gray
Matching markers& monument
Veterans’ Memorials
To honor those who have served our country in times of conflict.
